Thursday, February 16, 2017

5 Emotions Everyone Should Capture

Just because you have your family shoot scheduled 6 months out doesn't mean you need to wait until then to capture your own moments. You're probably thinking...but I capture them everyday or almost everyday with my phone! Sure you are, but are you truly thinking about what's going on or setting up the "perfect" Instagram shot? Not every picture needs to be perfect or shared and sometimes not sharing it brings more's your moment, only you have with your family.

Now I have a challenge  for you!

Ttry and capture what I think are five important moments of everyday life!'s the kicker...don't share a single picture! Even if you get the urge, let it pass, put it in a special album on your phone or computer and after you got all five print them! Yes PRINT THEM! It doesn't matter where (this topic is still in process) 

After you've received the prints think about how you feel in that moment, holding them! If anyone will actually take this challenge and follow through with it, I'd absolutly love for you to share that with me and others! Either post on here, my FB page or email...this is what it's all about guys! Now here's the list:

1.  The Quiet 

2. The Connection

3. The Stress

4. The Love

5. The Joy


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