Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Art of Espresso

Let’s start from the beginning...I began drinking coffee in college, who wasn’t, but I mixed it with vanilla creamer and called it a day. I did indulge in the occasional white chocolate mocha from Starbucks and omg the amount of fat and sugar in those things is outrageous, but that didn’t stop me...the $6 price tag did. Then fast forward to my time in Paris and Italy where locals go to the “bar” which is an espresso bar, not for alcohol. This is where people catch up with others, go to be seen, and grab a bite to eat usually croissants or something sweet. You order a café, wait while your barista pounds in the espresso, pushes a button, then watch it slowly drip down into a tiny tazzina (small cup) and then magically they swirl some perfectly frothed foam to make a beautiful design....something I’m yet to master, it’s on the bucket list! It’s black, it’s strong, it’s delicious, but very much an acquired taste! 

The main difference between coffee and espresso is the extraction method, which is done at a very high pressure rather than a drip or french press for coffee. Since (really good) espresso machines are well over $1,000 I’m perfectly happy with my Bialetti Moka Pot. They are inexpensive, create zero waste except for the espresso, which you can can save to rub away cellulite, exfoliate, or use in the garden! Since they are made out of aluminum it takes a few brews to get the metal taste out and then it seasons itself, kinda like a cast-iron pan for you fellow cookers! If you guys have never had espresso this way you should totally try it! Or betting yet invite yourself over to my house and I’ll make it for you as long as you don’t mind kids around and a mess! :)

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