Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The McBride Family | 9.25.16

The McBride Family2016

I know I always talk about how much my clients mean to me...and that's true, but there is also something very special about a family that has been with you since the beginning! The McBrides aren't the only ones...so don't feel left out anyone...but really how awesome is it to be apart of a family tradition with people who truly value the importance of quality photography, family memories, and most of all the joy of being together! Timmy has gone from shy-guy, I don't want to do this, to doing the craziest things to make his sister laugh or get in a good pose for himself. Kaylee...oh sweet girl, she just takes a moment to warm up and then she's all full of smiles and the cutes puppy dog faces! One thing you notice from this shoot is a shot of their hands, it's something we do every year! It's become a kind of tradition, one that I look forward to and I know they do! 

I'll have to get in some throwback photos from our first shoot and see how we've progressed! Not only have the children grown, but so have I! Wow I can't wait to see them in the coming years...well actually I think I can wait...sometimes I just want to slow down time or stop it completely! And that is why we take pictures! Right?! 

Thank you Tim, Krista, Timmy & Kaylee! 



  1. Awesome! I can't wait to see them all!

    1. There were more I wanted to post...but i narrowed it down...love this session...but i love all the sessions with you guys!
